New label rules can double the packaging business

New label rules can double the packaging business


The mention of the Romanian origin of the ingredients on the labels of the local milk and meat products can create new opportunities for printers
Poiana Braşov, Romania, was the place that held the most important event dedicated to the local meat and milk markets: Meat & Milk 2016, organized by the Infogroup Agency, publisher of the Infopack, Fabrica de Carne and Fabrica de Lapte magazines, on May 12-13.


During the two days, the event that has gathered together more than 300 business people from both industries, as well as associated industries, the state institutions that supervise the activities of the zootechnic sand food industries in Romania have been represented by highest level officials: Achim Irimescu, Minister of Agriculture; Radu Roaţis Cheţan, President, ANSVSA (National Sanitary, Veterinarian, and Food Safety Authority); Bogdan Marcel Pandelică, President, ANPC (National Authority for Consumer Protection); Dana Tănase, Director, ANSVSA; Paul Anghel, General Manager, ANPC. Also,the event was host to top representatives of the most important professional associations: Sorin Minea, President, Romalimenta; Dorin Cojocaru, President, APRIL, Radu Timiş, President, ARC; Ștefan Pădure, President, APAR; Florin Căpăţână, Vicepresident, AMRCR; Claudiu Frânc, President, FCBR; Ioan Ladoşi, President, ACPCR etc.
The debates featured, alongside specific topics regarding the two industries, the project of a new law regulating the changing of the labels. This matter was the center of attention all along the sessions. We can actually say that it took center stage altogether and it started some stormy discussions.

Product quality – a strong country brand
“I have to say for Print Magazin’s readers that in their speeches Maria Grapini (EMP), NiniSăpunaru (MP, President of the Agriculture Board of the Lower House of the Romanian Parliament) and George Scarlat (MP, member of the Agriculture Board) all expressed their unconditional support for the changing of the labels for meat and milk products, stressing the need to mention the origin of the raw materials. The main argument was that of the need for better consumer information. But, just as Maria Grapini and George Scarlat said, mentioning the Romanian origin of the ingredients can contribute decisively to the creation of a true and strong country brand, taking into account the quality of the milk and meat products made in Romania”, said Ilie Stoian, Project Manager, Infogroup.
Mentioning the fact that the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Achim Irimescu, has had a neutral position on the issue, the representatives of the two industries drew the attention of the audience on the fact that voting and signing the new law will lead to increased costs both for the processing plants and the private label retailers. „In order to clarify all aspects in this matter, Meat & Milk 2016 was used as an occasion for all parties involved to decide to take seats at the negotiation table once more, to ellaborate new, coherent and efficient ideas that will satisfy everybody”, said Mirela Vasile, General Manager, Infogroup.
One thing is certain: the label law stands real chances to be modified, even if there will be ammendments to its current form. And a favorable vote will certainly bring certain gains for the Romanian packaging industry. Meat and milk companies will be compelled in the future to order more labels more frequently for their products that use these two ingredients as raw materials for their products.

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